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Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND
Painted Canyon Visitor Center, Petrified Forest hike, 36-mile Scenic Loop Drive, Prairie Dog Town, Cottonwood campground, & more!
Chapel in the Hills (A stave church)
What do churches and dragons/dinosaurs have in common? Both are true.
These are just a few examples of the discoveries that have been made
Isochron Rock Dating Is Fatally Flawed
This paper attempts to show that the Isochron-Diagram method contains a logical flaw that invalidates it.
The Case for a Scientifically Objective Evolution Curriculum
The central question is whether evolution is accountable to real science or Darwin's substandard brand of science?
Goliath and the Exodus Giants: How Tall Were They?
How big was the ancient cubit? Professor Hays argued that the giant Goliath... was only 6 feet 9 inches tall and not 9 feet 9 inches.
Intelligent Design and the Public Schools: Pro
Should intelligent design be taught alongside evolution in biology classes in Minnesota's public schools? Why or why not?
Age of the Earth
When we read or hear information relating to the age of the earth, the most likely number will be in billions of years. This does not fit...
Feathered Dinosaurs - Fact or Fiction?
Feathers are highly specialized organs and the distinguishing feature of birds...
Fingerprints of the Creator - The Source of All Beauty
Since the spherical and chiral symmetry of form and color in nature is just the fingerprint of the creator...
The Theory of Evolution in the Perspective of Thermodynamics and Everyday Experience
In homes, offices, factories and laboratories, chaos never turns into order on its own and proceeds to maintain and expand itself...
How I Evolved Into a Young Earth Creationist
I went beyond it, back to young earth creation, backed up by scientific evidence.
Review of “Contested Bones”
John Sanford... as a mature scientist in the field of genetics, had accepted the story of human evolution without question until...
Biologos: Behind the Facade
Biologos held a seminar at Constance Evangelical Free Church... The title was "Integration of Science and Faith" ...
Spearfish Canyon
Hwy 14A This is a beautiful 20 mile drive through a gorge with Spearfish Creek at the bottom and 1,000 foot high white limestone cliffs...
Black Hills
Why are they called black when it is thickly covered in evergreens?
Pronghorn Antelope
Pronghorn Antelope is North American fastest mammal.
Prairie Dogs
When visiting Wind cave, Custer state park, the Badlands, or Devil’s Tower be sure to visit the prairie dog town.
Ponderosa Pine
The dominate tree throughout the Black Hills towering some 180 feet high... is able to survive a forest fire in a unique way.
Museum of Geology
Some of the best local fossils of dinosaurs, giant fish, and mammals are exhibited here.
Mount Rushmore National Monument
We know it was designed and when we see a design, we know there must be a designer and in this case it was Gutzon Borglum.
Mammoth Site of Hot Springs
This indoor air-conditioned active excavation site features over 60 mammoths displayed where they were found and Ice Age exhibit hall.
World's Largest Petrified Park and Museum - Lemmon, S.D.
Ever seen a gas station made of petrified wood? Or a museum made of petrified wood with a floor of fossilized grass?
Black Hills Museum of Natural History
This museum is a fantastic museum of real dinosaur skeletons.
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