Julie’s Creation Vacation places
Grand Canyon now has creation tours on the rim and rafting: http://www.canyonministries.org/rim-information/
Mt. St. Helens has creation tours: Mt. St. Helens Creation Center: http://www.mshcreationcenter.org/7ws1/visit/excursions/
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Co. has creation tours: Glen Eyrie “Rock tour” http://www.gleneyrie.org/Visit-the-Castle/Rock-Tour
Creation Encounters have tours. I just went on the Big Horn Basin tour, all I can say is fantastic! : http://www.creationencounter.com/tours/
Books and DVD’s I recommend:
Grand Canyon the Puzzle of the Plateau excellent DVD
Creation Explorers: Tracking the flood (in reference to the Missoula flood. If you are touring the Columbia Gorge this is a must see!)-a DVD.
True North Series: your guide to the Grand Canyon
True North Series: your guide to the Yellowstone
True North Series: your guide to the Zion and Bryce by Vail, Oard, Bokovoy, Hergenrather
Awesome Science 30 minute DVDs: Explore national parks with Noah Justice. These are the parks they have DVD’s on: Grand Canyon, Mt. St. Helens, Arches & Natural Bridges, Yellowstone, Mesa Verde & Chaco Ruins, Yosemite & Zion, Glacier, Dinosaur National Monument, Rocky Mt. National Park, Meteor Crater & Petrified Forest, Mammoth Site in S.D..